Saxon Drummer Nigel Glocker on Backing Track Miming

Saxon Drummer Nigel GlockerSaxon Drummer Nigel Glocker

Saxon drummer Nigel Glocker has weighed in on bands who rely heavily on pre-recorded tracks during their live performances. The Saxon drummer says ‘Putting lead vocals on tape and just miming is ridiculous.’ Nigel Glocker thinks bands should reduce their reliance on backing tracks. In recent years, more and more artists have been given a pass for relying on pre-recorded tracks, drum triggers and other assorted technology that makes concerts more synthetic but also more consistent. For better or worse, pre-recorded tracks are becoming increasingly common for touring artists of all levels and genres and they’re not just used in pop music — many rock artists utilize playback tracks to varying degrees. Read the article…

Drumming News Source: Blabbermouth